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About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a caring, happy, fun, encouraging and clean English-speaking environment to our children.  We encourage our children to become independent, self-confident, loving, caring and responsible individuals. 

What we do?
We provide stimulating and personalised English workshops to children from three years old.  Teaching is conducted in small groups by a Native-English Teacher to ensure attention and care is provided to all our children.  We offer a variety of classes for children at different age levels, including: English Oral Classes, English Grammar Classes, English Writing Classes, Letterland Phonics Classes; Cambridge English Classes.  (Please click on the ‘Courses’ tab for more details).

We adopt successful, popular and researched phonics and reading programs from U.K., such as Letterland, Usborne, Oxford Reading Tree and Wide Range Readers. 

Who are we?
KiddiKids Learning Center is operated and managed by Ms. Peggy Chiu and Dr. Jessica Siu, who have extensive teaching experience and academic background, providing quality education and training to young children. 

In particular, Ms. Chiu has undertaken university courses in children learning psychology; and has extensive teaching experience with children for 20 years.

Jessica holds a bachelor degree with honours and a degree in Doctor of Philosophy from Queensland University of Technology, Australia.  She has lived in Australia since her early childhood. 


Ms. Chiu and Jessica work closely together to develop the course curriculums.  We proud to say that we provide quality education to our children through stimulating and fun learning experiences. The teachers are carefully chosen and trained to suit different educational needs of our students.  

本中心課程全部課程由NET或雙語老師教授,並擁有良好教育背景,如博士等。無論是拼音班或各種英語課程 , 均是按照不同年齡的兒童成長需要而制定,提供輕鬆愉快、適合的英語環境,能提升孩子英語聆聽及表達能力。



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